Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Springtime in my head

I was listening to a teaching by Joyce Meyer this morning and it struck home to me. I've heard her speak this message before and each time it really hits me. It was about a great many things but the parts that applied most to me today were the following.

1. Having a critical spirit - I've been working on this "melancholic" perfectionist side of me ever since I can remember. Frequently, I take on the role of "Holy Spirit Junior" (as Mrs. Meyer says) both in my own life and in the lives of those I love. But really, God doesn't need my help, just my willingness to let Him take my task-list to task. It really isn't necessary, I have discovered, to point out & correct every error that my husband or loved ones make. I can just let things "slide" and enjoy life a lot more if I chill out.

2. Having a huge "to do" list - I've been thinking I've gotten better at delegating but it's really still such a battle. I have to really, really think hard about not having to complete my list and to allow myself some rest and in doing so, to allow Mario & others to rest too. I get so busy that although I pray nearly all day long, I have no devotion time, no "listening" time.

Some good things I've been succeeding at have been (1) thanking the Lord once I've prayed my prayer of faith - not asking over & over, pestering God about what He already knows, (2) not doubting that He has the best in mind for me, including impeccable timing, and (3) that He really does have everything under control and because He loves me, it doesn't matter what others think of my progress.

I still struggle almost daily with anxiety, with too much "thinking" but every day "His mercies are new" and He shows His faithfulness and gives me His peace whenever I pause long enough to rest & actually receive it.