Monday, February 16, 2009


I received this precious story in my email today and, as an aunt, really feel the need to share it here.

This one is for everyone who...
a) has kids
b) had kids
c) was a kid
d) knows a kid
e) is going to have kids.
I guess that means all of us!!


I was packing for my business trip andmy three year old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed. At one point she said, 'Daddy, look at this',and stuck out two of her fingers.
Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her tiny fingers in my mouth and said, 'Daddy's gonna eat your fingers,' pretending to eat them. I went back to packing, looked up againand my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face.
I said,'What's wrong, honey?' She replied, 'What happened to my booger?'


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So, I haven't written for a while & thought I'd jot down some of our recent prayer requests, praise reports and happenings...

  • my bro-in-law, Paul, needs prayer for continued physical healing
  • my father & Paul both need new jobs a.s.a.p.
  • Paul & April, the kids and my mom all had the flu this weekend but have weathered the storm and are recuperating
  • salvation for some of Mario's sisters
  • continued healing for Monica (Mario's sis) and for continued financial provision
  • we may be adding another praise & worship leader here at JCC soon; I'm prayerfully excited about this!
  • Mario & I usually have February, March & April off for our DJ business but this year we have 4 gigs in Feb, and 1 each in March & April!!!
  • Dad's birthday celebration was low-key since April's family had the flu and Mario was working. We bought him a new game for his Wii system & he & I played for an hour or two. It was fun!!
  • My high school friends are putting together a multi-class reunion for July this year & asked us to DJ it. Yippee!!
  • I had a serious bout with IBS & endometriosis again early this month but have been managing it well since then. I'm also working out 4 times a week at the gym. Woo hoo!!
  • Our neighbors recently asked us "how you do it" regarding having hope & living with peace during financial stress. It was a great open door to talk about God's provision and turning your life to Him.
  • We had a table at the Gino's Surf bridal show a few Sundays ago & booked a wedding right then & there!!

There's always more to share, but that's the news in a nutshell for now. Thank you, Lord for continued provision, peace & health!!