Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So, I haven't written for a while & thought I'd jot down some of our recent prayer requests, praise reports and happenings...

  • my bro-in-law, Paul, needs prayer for continued physical healing
  • my father & Paul both need new jobs a.s.a.p.
  • Paul & April, the kids and my mom all had the flu this weekend but have weathered the storm and are recuperating
  • salvation for some of Mario's sisters
  • continued healing for Monica (Mario's sis) and for continued financial provision
  • we may be adding another praise & worship leader here at JCC soon; I'm prayerfully excited about this!
  • Mario & I usually have February, March & April off for our DJ business but this year we have 4 gigs in Feb, and 1 each in March & April!!!
  • Dad's birthday celebration was low-key since April's family had the flu and Mario was working. We bought him a new game for his Wii system & he & I played for an hour or two. It was fun!!
  • My high school friends are putting together a multi-class reunion for July this year & asked us to DJ it. Yippee!!
  • I had a serious bout with IBS & endometriosis again early this month but have been managing it well since then. I'm also working out 4 times a week at the gym. Woo hoo!!
  • Our neighbors recently asked us "how you do it" regarding having hope & living with peace during financial stress. It was a great open door to talk about God's provision and turning your life to Him.
  • We had a table at the Gino's Surf bridal show a few Sundays ago & booked a wedding right then & there!!

There's always more to share, but that's the news in a nutshell for now. Thank you, Lord for continued provision, peace & health!!

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