As I sit at the computer this morning, it is so tempting to let the thoughts flying around and through my mind take control of me. But, I've prayed this morning to let the Holy Spirit have His peace and contentment flow through me, especially these next few days.
I was baking (or attempting to) last night and realized I just didn't have enough time to do all that I think I should be doing. I would like to have the same traditions I had with my parents when I was younger, to bake, to have a clean home, to sit by the fire with my cocoa looking at my Christmas tree. But add these things to the way Mario & I have chosen to live - 4 jobs between the 2 of us, very active at church, very social, fun-loving....well, I just can't make it happen. So, I've discovered that I need to let go of the "perfect" life vision I have and enjoy my now, enjoy this moment that the Lord has given me.
Now, this is a lesson I truly do understand and know already but for some reason during this season, I'm taking it to a deeper level. I'm interested to see where the Lord will take me down this path of thought.
So, even if I don't get to bake my favorite Candy Cane cookies or vacuum & dust the house; even if I don't get to stare at my very lovely Christmas tree, I will celebrate the Lord and the Love of my life, the One who cares for me, who brings me true peace & fulfillment. And I will thank Him for all that I have for I am truly grateful and without Him, it just wouldn't be Christmas now, would it?
Smiling, I close with a prayer for all of our family & loved ones this season, that whoever reads this will know that we are praying for you.
Blogging my way through new experiences, dealing with on-going ones and praising the God who made a wonderful and unique me.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
A Family Ministering together
Monday, December 8, 2008
Funnies sent from Grandma to me
- Why, Why, Why, Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are almost dead?
- Why do banks charge a fee on 'insufficient funds' when they already know there is not enough money?
- Why does someone Believe you when you say there are four billion stars; but have to check when you say the paint is still wet?
- Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
- Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?
- Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
- Whose idea was it to put an 'S' in the word 'lisp'?
- If people evolved from apes, Why are there still apes?
- Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?
- Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?
- Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?
- Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?
- Why is it that no plastic bag will open from the end on your first try?
- How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures?
- When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our ankle with a shopping cart then apologizes for doing so, why do we say, 'It's all right?' Well, it isn't all right, so why don't we say, 'That really hurt, why don't you watch where you're going?'
- Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over?
- In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat?
- How come you never hear father-in-law jokes?
- And my FAVORITE......The statistics on sanity is that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Weekly update

Not much to report this week, which is always good!
We had a TERRIFIC Thanksgiving dinner over at April & Paul's house. Everything was done on time (Mario & I stayed out there the night before), everyone was relaxed and the food was scrumptious! We played games, laughed a lot and then went over to my aunt & uncle's house where I played more games with my cousins and sat by the fire.
We had a TERRIFIC Thanksgiving dinner over at April & Paul's house. Everything was done on time (Mario & I stayed out there the night before), everyone was relaxed and the food was scrumptious! We played games, laughed a lot and then went over to my aunt & uncle's house where I played more games with my cousins and sat by the fire.
I usually put out my Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving but this year I ran around preparing things for my Grandma's 80th birthday party, which we had on Saturday. Oh, it was so much fun though! Mario put a special music playlist together for her, my aunts & cousins, sister & Mom cooked & cleaned and decorated. I set up the music, tables & I emceed for the evening. The coolest part of all was being able to sing "He Knows My Name" with my girl-cousins. I think Grandma thought that was a pretty cool birthday present. Then I passed the mic around and people said such wonderful things about Grandma. The dominant theme was her prayerful, warriorlike support of each of us. Yep, she's pretty cool!!
So, my Christmas decorations are not out yet - yesterday Mom & Dad helped me lead praise & worship here, along with our usual teammates. It was a sweet & gentle service, very refreshing. Then we had lunch with them over at Grandma & Grandpa's, did a little shopping & went home to "veg out" the rest of the evening. Ahhhhh....
Today, it's back to work - it's snowing/slushing outside. I'll have 4 of my usual 5 lessons coming to the house today so maybe I can do some decorating today. I hope to plan in some baking time this year too - I didn't do any last year!!
So, my Christmas decorations are not out yet - yesterday Mom & Dad helped me lead praise & worship here, along with our usual teammates. It was a sweet & gentle service, very refreshing. Then we had lunch with them over at Grandma & Grandpa's, did a little shopping & went home to "veg out" the rest of the evening. Ahhhhh....
Today, it's back to work - it's snowing/slushing outside. I'll have 4 of my usual 5 lessons coming to the house today so maybe I can do some decorating today. I hope to plan in some baking time this year too - I didn't do any last year!!
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