Monday, December 1, 2008

Weekly update

Not much to report this week, which is always good!

We had a TERRIFIC Thanksgiving dinner over at April & Paul's house. Everything was done on time (Mario & I stayed out there the night before), everyone was relaxed and the food was scrumptious! We played games, laughed a lot and then went over to my aunt & uncle's house where I played more games with my cousins and sat by the fire.
I usually put out my Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving but this year I ran around preparing things for my Grandma's 80th birthday party, which we had on Saturday. Oh, it was so much fun though! Mario put a special music playlist together for her, my aunts & cousins, sister & Mom cooked & cleaned and decorated. I set up the music, tables & I emceed for the evening. The coolest part of all was being able to sing "He Knows My Name" with my girl-cousins. I think Grandma thought that was a pretty cool birthday present. Then I passed the mic around and people said such wonderful things about Grandma. The dominant theme was her prayerful, warriorlike support of each of us. Yep, she's pretty cool!!

So, my Christmas decorations are not out yet - yesterday Mom & Dad helped me lead praise & worship here, along with our usual teammates. It was a sweet & gentle service, very refreshing. Then we had lunch with them over at Grandma & Grandpa's, did a little shopping & went home to "veg out" the rest of the evening. Ahhhhh....

Today, it's back to work - it's snowing/slushing outside. I'll have 4 of my usual 5 lessons coming to the house today so maybe I can do some decorating today. I hope to plan in some baking time this year too - I didn't do any last year!!

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