Thursday, July 14, 2011

Things to think about

Trusting that God is more than capable of taming my wildness, moving the mountains and providing for me, His precious princess.

Praying for favor with the mortgage loan remodification.

Taking time to enjoy the summer, the gorgeous weather, my awesome garden.

Instead of being anxious about planning people's weddings, enjoy getting to know the couples, celebrating their most special day, being sure I have a chance to touch their lives for good.

Allowing myself to make mistakes, treating mistakes with humor.

Using my words to encourage my husband, letting him know how incredible he is.

Doing special little things to bless Mario.

Be able to listen to a friend without trying to offer advice.  Just listen and sympathesize without taking on her burden for myself.

Say no and don't feel guilty about it.

Be okay with a slightly messy house.  Be not okay with a slightly messy spiritual life.

Keep working out and making good meal choices.

While getting ready to start a huge new adventure at school, breathe in & out calmly.  Be all right with admitting I don't know something and with asking many questions.

Be sweet but be firm.

Put the phone down and walk away from it for a while.

Pray.  Spend time meditating on the goodness of the Lord.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What's this feeling?

Today I enjoyed getting up later than I have in the past few days.  I'm gonna have to start forcing myself into an earlier bedtime and an earlier wake up time.  I don't want to be doing that in my first week of school.  LOL
I sat around for a bit then drove up to Kinko's to fax additional documents to the mortgage company.  I've submitted a loan modification request and am praying for favor and for them to approve a modification that we can afford.

After I came home, I trimmed the tree branches of our whatever-that-gorgeous-tree is out in our front landscaping.  My arms always hurt so bad when I do it.  I started it on Monday but since I'd spent the morning at my first yoga class with BFF Heidi, my muscles weren't having any of that.  But I finished it today without too much trouble.  I noticed the past year that when I start a project like that I always feel like I MUST finish it right then and there.  If I don't, I feel lke I've failed somehow.  But, this year I've realized that is a lie straight from the pit and I am only capable of doing what my body can physically handle at that moment.  And it's perfectly okay.

So, I trimmed the tree branches, tidied up the gardening equipment and changed into my bathing suit.  Note to self, it's much easier to begin a sweaty job already wearing the swimsuit.  Because when I'm sweaty & trying to stuff myself into it after the job is finished, it's quite an unnecessary workout.  When I succeeded I went back out & watered our landscaping and our GIANT garden.  The peppers, zucchini, cucumbers & tomatoes are all coming along well.  A bumper crop this year!

Then I peeled the protective tarp (my genius idea) off the inflatable swimming pool I bought and lowered myself into the cool water.  I ignored that the plastic floor and sides were slightly slimy, telling myself that I'd go swimming in a lake and it would be grosser but I'd still do it.  I sat out there for half an hour, soaking up the sun & enjoying the peace & quiet.  I love times like that.

Mario came out to get me so that I wouldn't boil like a lobster and after a shower, I made a little lunch.  Reading the autobiography of actress Ashley Judd and sort of watching TV, I cheered when the USA women's soccer team won their semi-final match.  I don't follow soccer at all but am always proud of any American team that is victorious! 

Well, I'm just sitting here, enjoying my time before I have to go teach at the music store.  And suddenly I feel like crying.  What in the world?!  I hate that.  It happens a lot and I just hate it.  I don't know what it means or why it happens.  I can't always shake it with a prayer or a pep talk either.  It's incredibly annoying.  So, now I've talked/written it out and I'm sure I'll revisit the topic in future blogs.  For now, I haven't got the time or the energy to deal with this nonsense.

Onward and upward!

Friday, July 1, 2011

I'm in!!

I got my score result in and it's good!  Good enough to be accepted to Cooley Law School and qualify for a scholarship.

I can't believe I'm going back to school.  I have a tour all set up for next week.  I've updated my FAFSA.  I have to borrow a little money to reserve my spot but it'll be fine.  I'm ready to go.

And that's really all I have to say about that.  Can't believe I'm doing this.  LOL

Thomas M. Cooley Law School