Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It has begun

So, I'm halfway through my first week of law school.  And thus far it's been much of what I expected.  I have experienced the following emotions and thoughts in very quick succession for most of the week:

trusting (the Lord)
supported (Mario & family)
encouraged (friends)
introspective (am I oversharing with my new classmates, am I not sharing enough?)

Mentally, earlier this week, I was worrying about money, time management, car sharing issues and well...just everything.  Finally I had enough and just really buckled down, seeking the Lord for His peace which passes all understanding (Phil 4:7).  Mario woke up (this of course, was in the wee hours of the morning) and prayed with me.  Though he was able to roll over & fall immediately back to sleep, I stayed awake a little longer letting the Holy Spirit speak peace into my mind.  I did take some medicine that the doctor gave me to help me calm down but I also really spent some time being still before the Lord.  Finally I was able to fall back asleep and have slept well the rest of this week.

Physically, I've had tension headaches from all the looking down while reading and the weird lighting in the classroom and I had an IBS flare up throughout the night last night.  While I did not appreciate the timing of it, I had an opportunity to choose to give my physical ailments to the Lord through Jesus' sacrifice which covers all my illness and weakness.  I enjoyed a day free of headaches and IBS issues as a result.  Thank YOU, Lord!!!

Mario is already poking fun at how I'm speaking to him...especially when we might not see eye-to-eye on a topic.  I find this incredibly funny!!

Overall, though I'm tired I am thoroughly enjoying this new journey.  I know that some days will be frustrating and hard but I also know that my Father has given me favor and if I study to show myself approved (ref. 2 Tim 2:15), He will help me and teach me.  Also I know that I have been given the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16).  Right now I feel like I complete everything on the assignments halfway but nothing all the way.  Soon I'll get the hang of it though & I've found that all of my classmates are in exactly the same boat.

This coming week, starting on Saturday actually, I will be adding things back into my schedule.  On Saturday we have a wedding to DJ.  It is recommended that we students not work if we're taking 12 credits or more.  I am taking 12 credit plus a non-credit introductory course.  But, I have a responsibility to my clients and my husband and I'm going to do my best to be there for them.  I'll also be adding back into my schedule about 15 music students.  I'll teach for 2 hours on Monday evenings, for 3 1/2 hours on Wednesdays and for 1 1/2 on Thursdays.  Add that to my study schedule, extra review sessions, meetings, church & Mario time....I guess that'll keep me out of trouble for a while.

1 comment:

  1. To get right to the point, you ROCK! I am sooo blessed to have such a smart, loving, hard working friend to look up to. I personally LOVE the way you are able to add scripture to your thoughts. A lot of times, I can relatr to the ways you're feeling about lifes adventures. Then your Scriptures help guide me to where I need to study in the bible.

    I believe in you and know that you are destined for such amazing adventures that you will always succeed in doing. One reason
    I know this is because I've been blessed to see you do such amazing things in life already, like teaching and starting a dj company with the love of your life. Love ya and I will always keep you in my prayers for success.
