Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Well, this summer has been flying by and we've been so blessed with DJ jobs, continuing music lessons (my students don't take many breaks) and church work. It's been a little too busy for my brain to handle, but God is so much more than capable of taking care of that.

Last night I found myself pouring out my heart to Mario. Stuff that I didn't even know was bothering me about life & people in my life kept coming up & he just encouraged me to talk about it. Then he prayed over me and I felt the burdens I didn't even realize were there, just lifting off my heart.

I am so grateful to the Lord for His provision and His direction. He is so very faithful and patient!!

Friday, July 17, 2009


We are really looking forward to visiting our friends, Andy & Estera Vogel, this weekend as well as stopping by Zion Christian Fellowship in Powell, OH. Pastor Jim & Mary Baker are friends of ours and we'd like to see them on their home turf. Jim is also the brother of my friend who passed away in late May, so we'd like to shower some love on his family while we're there too.

As far as news for us, there really isn't anything to report. Our DJ business is crazy busy - which we love - and our "Vote 4 the Best 2009" rating is 3rd place so far at . If you read this & would like to vote for us, you absolutely are welcome to just go to . You don't have to be from MI either! The cool thing is that if you end up in the top 5 by the end of the contest (Aug. 31st) then you get some great advertising opportunities and if you're in 1st place, free advertising and a spot on the news!

In other news, I've started researching for my novel. I woke up one morning with all the details and story line, just need to tweek it for value and content. It's extensive research though regarding abortion and current issues so it's tough stuff sometimes! But the story is worth it & I hope it's a really good read.

That's about it for this week...looking forward to seeing my sister & her family next weekend. They've been gone for about a month now & we miss them so very much. --sigh---

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A poem

by Angel C. Rodriguez, 5/31/09
In a minute I see Your face
I'm surprised and happy to see You
In a minute all time and space
Have disappeared, now I'm here

It isn't what I thought it'd be
Now I touch Your hands
Your arms encircle me
I feel Your breath on my face

One minute I'm contending in faith
Now, a witness to Your glory
Now no need to keep the pace
I am free, in total awe

Oh Lord, my family and the one I love
Holy Spirit help them, it's You they need
Feel Your peace like a gentle dove
Ever grateful for the time we had

It's just a minute, an earthly life
But this, what I see today
The wonder, the majesty, the light
Suddenly I see beginning and the end

I wrote this poem in honor of my friend, Kim Schrandt, who passed away on May 27, 2009. Kim was 35 years old and leaves behind her husband, Doug, and 5 children from age 9 down to 5 months old. She was a homemaker who homeschooled her children, prayed without ceasing and a strong woman of faith. She will be greatly missed.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Springtime in my head

I was listening to a teaching by Joyce Meyer this morning and it struck home to me. I've heard her speak this message before and each time it really hits me. It was about a great many things but the parts that applied most to me today were the following.

1. Having a critical spirit - I've been working on this "melancholic" perfectionist side of me ever since I can remember. Frequently, I take on the role of "Holy Spirit Junior" (as Mrs. Meyer says) both in my own life and in the lives of those I love. But really, God doesn't need my help, just my willingness to let Him take my task-list to task. It really isn't necessary, I have discovered, to point out & correct every error that my husband or loved ones make. I can just let things "slide" and enjoy life a lot more if I chill out.

2. Having a huge "to do" list - I've been thinking I've gotten better at delegating but it's really still such a battle. I have to really, really think hard about not having to complete my list and to allow myself some rest and in doing so, to allow Mario & others to rest too. I get so busy that although I pray nearly all day long, I have no devotion time, no "listening" time.

Some good things I've been succeeding at have been (1) thanking the Lord once I've prayed my prayer of faith - not asking over & over, pestering God about what He already knows, (2) not doubting that He has the best in mind for me, including impeccable timing, and (3) that He really does have everything under control and because He loves me, it doesn't matter what others think of my progress.

I still struggle almost daily with anxiety, with too much "thinking" but every day "His mercies are new" and He shows His faithfulness and gives me His peace whenever I pause long enough to rest & actually receive it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What a few weeks it has been!
I've been battling depression - uninvited & unexplained & completely unnecessary depression. But my God is greater and I am victorious!!
Life is very, very busy - 18 hours working at the church as a secretary, about 3 hours as the music director - working about 40 hours teaching people/kids how to play the piano, sing properly or play the violin - prepping for weddings on the weekends, meeting with hope-to-be clients - any housework I can get my body to cooperate with me to do.....
The good thing is that I am able to have these jobs during a time when others are searching for their "next line" of work, trying to make life changes at a time when they thought they were settled in for the duration. I am grateful, if a tad tired.
Mario's still looking for full time work - he's thinking about heading back to school too. He auditioned for a local swing/jazz band - they're pretty big in this area, opening the Detroit jazz festival every year. I just want him to be happy. I told him if he has to travel & starts making some money playing gigs, I'll buy an RV and travel around following him and loving it!!
I'm proud of my family these days too - especially my dad & brother-in-law for trusting God's lead. Lots of things in the prayer-fire today but ultimately I know that God is still on His throne and has the best in mind for me & mine.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I received this precious story in my email today and, as an aunt, really feel the need to share it here.

This one is for everyone who...
a) has kids
b) had kids
c) was a kid
d) knows a kid
e) is going to have kids.
I guess that means all of us!!


I was packing for my business trip andmy three year old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed. At one point she said, 'Daddy, look at this',and stuck out two of her fingers.
Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her tiny fingers in my mouth and said, 'Daddy's gonna eat your fingers,' pretending to eat them. I went back to packing, looked up againand my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face.
I said,'What's wrong, honey?' She replied, 'What happened to my booger?'


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So, I haven't written for a while & thought I'd jot down some of our recent prayer requests, praise reports and happenings...

  • my bro-in-law, Paul, needs prayer for continued physical healing
  • my father & Paul both need new jobs a.s.a.p.
  • Paul & April, the kids and my mom all had the flu this weekend but have weathered the storm and are recuperating
  • salvation for some of Mario's sisters
  • continued healing for Monica (Mario's sis) and for continued financial provision
  • we may be adding another praise & worship leader here at JCC soon; I'm prayerfully excited about this!
  • Mario & I usually have February, March & April off for our DJ business but this year we have 4 gigs in Feb, and 1 each in March & April!!!
  • Dad's birthday celebration was low-key since April's family had the flu and Mario was working. We bought him a new game for his Wii system & he & I played for an hour or two. It was fun!!
  • My high school friends are putting together a multi-class reunion for July this year & asked us to DJ it. Yippee!!
  • I had a serious bout with IBS & endometriosis again early this month but have been managing it well since then. I'm also working out 4 times a week at the gym. Woo hoo!!
  • Our neighbors recently asked us "how you do it" regarding having hope & living with peace during financial stress. It was a great open door to talk about God's provision and turning your life to Him.
  • We had a table at the Gino's Surf bridal show a few Sundays ago & booked a wedding right then & there!!

There's always more to share, but that's the news in a nutshell for now. Thank you, Lord for continued provision, peace & health!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

2009 is our year!

Mario woke up one morning a week ago & said to me, "this is our year, hon. I'm expecting something big and good this year." And so we've embarked on our year of promise.

Someone recently asked me what it is we're expecting. Well, we're expecting to grow in the gifts God has given of course, to prosper as He's promised, to be healthy, all these things & more. But the "something big"? No idea. And we're so ready for it, whatever it is.

Meanwhile, I've been learning a lot in the worship ministry arena. I can't write it out yet but I'm getting stirred up and the congregation here at Joy is getting stirred up. It's a deeper level of beautiful than I've ever experiences and I'm really enjoying the journey.

I've also committed to writing those children's stories I've been telling my family's kids for the past 15 years, and having them published. I have 2 other book ideas too, one given to me in a dream. So, it's time to get started on those. And Mario is praying about becoming a youth minister. 2009 is bringing changes....we're also praying about children, adding to our family one way or another. Adoption is certainly an option. Yes, I rhymed that on purpose.

I told my sister yesterday that we have passed the "suffering" stage - although not much has changed in our employment or in the "natural" we feel confident, held in the palm of God's hand and plan. We've learned to trust Him with our finances and He's shown us A LOT in the department!!! We're still learning daily but the "stress" of it is gone. PTL!!

All this to say, we're pressing in on behalf of our families too - my dad & bro-in-law, Mario's sisters & Mom - 2009 is our year!!